Walk with a nice surprise

bottle lake nude walk with escort

Summer is drawing to an end and to be honest the summer this year hasn’t been conducive to going for nude outdoor walks! But there have been days where it has been really nice and warm enough to strip and enjoy the sun.

On this occasion I called a escort I had seen on a website, offering fetish services. Sent a text message, not expecting to get anything back but she was very keen and was looking forward it. My past experience with escorts is that they can be very business-like. So was very surprised with the enthusiastic reply I got. We arranged to meet at bottle lake and go from there.

She greeted me with open arms and a big hug. We headed off and she was very chatting and friendly. We walked a short way before I was certain that we would be safe from prying eyes. I stripped off and she offered to hold my clothes for me. Which is great as then I am completely free. We walked along and I was semi aroused. She was looking and chatting which made me harder. I suggested we stop, and I would masturbate for her to get myself nice and hard. She watched and occasionally felt my balls. Which just made me harder. We decided to walk some more, and since I was nice and erect, and my cock bounced around.

We walked some more and again I asked if she would like me to masturbate for her. She excitedly said yes, I asked if she would like to sit down, and I would masturbate. She really like the view and suggested I bend over so she could watch from behind. I love to bend over and have some watch me from behind. So, I gladly bent over and pulled my cock back towards her. After a couple of minutes, we continued to walk and chat more.

I stopped in an area that was closer to some trees and a bit more private and started to masturbate for her. I asked if she would like me to be on all fours? She said YES! And so, I got on all fours. Before long she was spanking my arse. It was great! Nice to feel my balls bounce with every spank. We did this for a while, mixed with slow and fast spanking. Once my arse had a nice red hue to it we stopped. It was really cool, and she clearly enjoyed it. We started our walk back, stopping to masturbate along the way. Normally I would wank for about 2 or 3 minutes then carry on. But she really liked it and asked me to keep going.

We were getting close to the area where we were more vulnerable to be seen and as it happened, I spotted a couple walking their dog. So I quickly got dressed. They wouldn’t have seen us as I only just saw them through the trees about 200 metres away.

Great walk with a surprise thrown in. Couldn’t have asked for a better day!

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